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Notizie dal CCF-

Resoconto delle donazioni al CCF -27 marzo2011

Donors to Elisabetta von Hoenning’s Birthday Wish

As of March 26th, 12 people have donated a total of $850, benefitting Cheetah Conservation Fund.

  1. Christina Beza Carr$25Christina Beza Carr
    donated $25 today at 10:55am
  2. Paola Lusso$25Paola Lusso
    donated $25 yesterday at 3:20am
  3. Anna Viale$30Anna Viale
    donated $30 March 22 at 08:59AM
  4. Mario Vaccari$120Mario Vaccari
    donated $120 March 22 at 08:34AM
  5. Thumb_silhouette$150Anonymous Donor
    donated $150 March 22 at 06:14AM
  6. Paola Kamoose Zuccolotto$60Paola Kamoose Zuccolotto
    donated $60 March 22 at 05:46AM
  7. Roberto Mazzuchetti$20Roberto Mazzuchetti
    donated $20 March 20 at 09:53AM
  8. Thumb_silhouette$60Anonymous Donor
    donated $60 March 20 at 02:47AM
  9. Valentina Protti$10Valentina Protti
    donated $10 March 9 at 09:05AM
  10. Elisabetta von Hoenning$60Elisabetta von Hoenning
    donated $60 March 9 at 07:42AM
  11. Amina Cesario$60Amina Cesario
    donated $60 March 7 at 02:56AM
  12. Fontanive Diana$60Fontanive Diana
    donated $60 March 3 at 03:14AM
13.Hermann e Heidi Gottwald 120$

Il CCF di Marisa Katnic ci scrive….prima della Corsa di Cicago per i ghepardi!


> Run for the Cheetah – Chicago > Marisa Katnic Login
Marisa Katnic’s (CCF San Diego Southern California Chapter) Page!
I’m raising money for this event: Run for the Cheetah – Chicago
My Message
I am completing the circle and travelling to Chicago to do the “Run for the Cheetah!” on April 23,2011, and I need your good heart and help to help me, help them and let’s together save the endangered cheetah from extinction!

Yes, the world’s fastest land animal, the sleek, beautiful and long-legged cheetah, Acinonyx Jubatus, is losing its race for survival. Once a common animal found on five continents, the cheetah is now an Endangered Species. We’ve only about 12,000 left in the wild. The loss of habitat, conflict with humans, as well as its own loss of genetic variation, are the main threats facing the cheetah today. The cheetah needs large expanses of land to survive, but with changes in land use and habitat pressures, such as bush encroachment, this area is becoming smaller and smaller. Unfortunately, captive breeding efforts have not proven meaningful to the cheetah’s hopes of survival.

Please help me with my conservation efforts and contribute your tax deductible donation of $5, $10, $20 or more and/or whatever you can give truly means “the world to me and is the world to them.” I would be forever grateful if you could help me help in this great cause and support for the benefit of the cheetah. I just can’t imagine a world without them. Can you? Support my passion, please, and let me carry your name along with me on April 23, 2011.

Many, many thanks for your support — and don’t forget to forward this link to anyone that you think might want to donate too! Remember — the cheetah desperately needs our attention and help! Come join me and run with the cheetah in 2011!

To learn more about the Cheetah Conservation Fund (“CCF”) , visit and our newly formed Southern California Chapter page at for news and local events.

Here is an offical thank you (cheetah purr) for all of your support of my passionate cause:

Let’s save the cheetah! Cheetah purrs and my heartfelt love and huge thanks,

Marisa Katnic >^..^
Cheetah Conservation Fund
Southern California Chapter (“CCFSD”)

My Goal:
Amount Raised:
About my cause:
Dr. Laurie Marker is Founder and Executive Director of the Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF). A former Oregonian, Laurie Marker is a Time magazine “Hero for the Planet” award recipient, and is a world-renowned expert on the cheetah. CCF’s mission is “to secure habitats for the long-term survival of the cheetah and their ecosystem through multidiscipline and integrated programs of conservation, research and education.”

The fastest land animal on earth is also Africa‘s most endangered big cat. With only 12,000 wild cheetah left, the cheetah could disappear within 20 years. With your help, CCF can maintain the programs that will help the cheetah win its race for survival.
Please check out the award winning conservation and environmental ideas and programs highlighted on their website

The Cheetah Conservation Fund is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) organization #31-1726923 in the United States. Visit for more information.

Donor Date Donation Comment
Anonymous 2/5/2011 $5.00 In Loving Memory of Oliver
Craig DeRosa 3/6/2011 $100.00 God speed in saving our wildlife especially ones closest to our hearts
Allison and William Navarro 3/6/2011 $100.00 Run Marisa RUN !
Allison and William Navarro 3/6/2011 $100.00 Run Marisa RUN !
Donna Fahrni 3/6/2011 $50.00 You go Cheetah Girl!!
Shirley West 3/7/2011 $200.00 In Memory of the Cheetahs that have left this earth before their time!
Vesna Brandin 3/8/2011 $20.00 For Tippi and her feline heart.
Joanne Stasio 3/10/2011 $25.00 Good luck Marisa!!!!
Shelly Drozd 3/11/2011 $100.00 You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susan Broderick 3/11/2011 $100.00 For the cheetahs and all the cats
Lynnea Teters 3/11/2011 $5.00 Good Luck!
Cathleen Evans 3/11/2011 $20.00 Marisa, I love your passion. It becomes you!!! Good Luck!!!
Mike Friese 3/12/2011 $100.00 For all the exotic cats we have known and loved…
Liz Karch 3/12/2011 $100.00 Because you’re the BEST, Marisa!
victor cheetah 3/12/2011 puuurrrrsss
Lysa Stark 3/13/2011 $100.00 Wish I was going too! Thanks for all you do for our beloved cheetah 🙂
Amy Enfield 3/14/2011 $20.00 We really admire your passion xx
kathy trutanich 3/16/2011 $25.00 Go Girl!!
Amira Frantz 3/17/2011 $50.00 Habibi, I love anything you love. Cant wait to see you soon!!
Mary Nurse 3/18/2011 $25.00 Good luck Marisa!
Marcia McRill 3/18/2011 Run Marisa – run!
Jim Hansen 3/18/2011 $15.00 We love you.. Jim and Dan
Mike and Kay Gormley 3/20/2011 $10.00 Cheetah Presentation
Joyce Hall 3/20/2011 $5.00 Marisa – Just a little bit. Thanks, J
Chris Moore 3/20/2011 $25.00 Good luck Marisa

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I cuccioli di Okakarara stanno benissimo!

Ecco alcune foto dei cuccioli che il Centro ha ricevuto questo scorso agosto. Stanno bene, vano a spasso e cominciano ad essere avvicinati alle persone….le tre Dive Phoenix, Quasar e Soraya sono leggermente gelose…sarà dura, ma…si abitueranno! Tra le notizie tristi degli scorsi giorni, una nota serena…la vita continua e al Centro si continua a lavorare….!

Saluti a tutti gli amici e da Laurie soprattutto che ringrazia per la partecipazione per Chewbaaka…



Chewbaaka sotto controllo….fa le fusa!


Salve!i! Chewbaaka ce l’ha fatta, un altro giorno è passato! I valori del sangue non sono molto buoni, poichè il rene è seriamente compromesso. Continuiamo a curarlo con le flebo, questa mattina era molto disidratato. Ma poi durante il giorno ha mostrato una certa vitalità. Oggi ha mangiato 800 grammi di carne. Gliel’ho infilata in bocca, e l’ho pregato di inghiottirla, e l’ha fatto…tanti piccoli bocconi nel corso di tutta la giornata. Cosi’ siamo riusciti a somministrargli i farmaci necessari per i reni, insieme ad alcune vitamine.

Oggi si è un po’ leccato – è stato bellissimo vederlo!  E stasera, altre flebo sottocutanee. Speriamo di tenere sotto controllo i reni che si erano bloccati a causa del trauma, speriamo che le funzioni renali si riassestino ai valori degli ultimi mesi…vigilando attentamente. Cosi’, in sostanza, sta rispondendo alle cure. Tuttavia siamo molto cauti nel giudicare la sua guarigione. C. fa le fusa e sembra reagire bene . E’ un ghepardo molto forte, e molto speciale.

Grazie a tutti per la vostra partecipazione, so che tutti voi aspettate le nostre notizie…vi terro’ informati. Qui tutto va bene, per il resto.

Grazie a tutti,



From the UK Friends of the Cheetah Conservation Fund- Dagli amici del Regno Unito

Dr Laurie Marker – Guest Speaker il 29 Marzo!

Notizie per gli Amici d’Inghilterra!!!

Martedi’ 29 Marzo 2011

La Dr. Laurie Marker visiterà Eagle Heights e terrà un discorso sul suo importante lavoro per i ghepardi durante l’ Africa Show delle 12.

Per le informazioni dettagliate, vedere sul sito

Su ogni bilgietto d’entrata verra’ donata una sterlina (£1.00)a Laurie Marker per la sua Fondazione . Venite numerosi e sostenete i ghepardi!

(Biglietti di entrata a prezzo normale)

Notizie da Laurie in diretta dalla Namibia

Notizie da Laurie in diretta dalla Namibia.

Notizie da Laurie in diretta dalla Namibia