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Tutto a favore dei ghepardi del CCF!

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Il nostro video!

Come stanno i due ghepardi somali sopravvissuti al commercio illegale?

Eccoli qua, Dhoobi e Vip, gli unici due ghepardi sfuggiti alla morte ed a un destino crudele. Dhoobi sta bene ed è in ottima salute, mentre Vip, con la sua sindrome metabolica ossea, sta bene e viene curata al meglio con una dieta ottima e le cure necessarie. Ama starsene al sole in una recinzione appositamente costruita per lei. 

Even though their short lives were completely turned around when they were taken for the illegal pet trade, the two cheetah cubs rescued in Somaliland in early July continue to do well. Little Dhoobi (top left) is healthy and playful. The older cub, Vip, notwithstanding her Metabolic Bone Disease, is in good spirits and receiving the best possible diet and care. She enjoys lying out in the sun in the enclosure especially built for her (bottom right).

International Fund for Animal Welfare – IFAW Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) #NotPets #illegalpettrade

Il primo tramonto dal Cheetah Ecoview Lodge: Ora con 5 camere e vista sul Waterberg, anche i soggiorni al CCF sono possibili per i turisti che vogliono stare qualche giorno per conoscere meglio il Centro!

Il ghepardo in musica!

Video L’arca di Noè: Saette africane – CLIP | MEDIASET ON DEMAND

Per chi avesse perso questo reportage, eccolo qua!

Il discorso di Scanlon sul traffico di ghepardi

Rendiconto delle nostre attività come riportate sul Rapporto del CCF 2016

Cari Amici,
Qui di seguito eccovi il rapporto delle nostre attività come riportate dal Cheetah Conservation Fund nella sua relazione annuale.
Purtroppo è redatta in inglese, ma riassume tutto cio’ che abbiamo fatto nel 2016.
Buona lettura!
Betty von Hoenning

5. Cheetah Conservation Fund Italia (CCF Italia)
CCF Italy has been very busy this year with the organisation of the CCF Italia association, travelling to Namibia, and focusing on the main events of Dr. Marker’s Tour in Italy in May in Ancona, Verona-Bussolengo and Padua.

There are 35 members of the association, and efforts are underway to enlist more.(Meanwhile the Members are 63! Betty)

On 8-9 January 8, CCF Italia’s founder Betty von Hoenning represented CCF at the 66th Meeting of the CITES Standing Committee, where resolutions relevant to illegal cheetah trade were adopted (see section IV.F.3. Illegal Wildlife Trade).

Apart from private personal donations made directly by individuals whom we directed to the CCF web site, CCF Italia sent a first donation of 3.300 € to CCF Namibia in August and another of 500 € in December, for a total amount of 3800€.


– A fundraising Pizza Dinner hosted by Rossella Clai, Counsellor of CCF Italia in Albignasego (Padua), on the occasion of her birthday, was held on 7 February.
– Primary School Introduction of the Cheetah, from February to June, with 26 children involved and four teachers (Primary School of Campiglia Cervo, BI, NW Italy). The meetings were held during regular school time, for two hours, in February and April, involving children and teachers.

During the month of December, CCF Italia published its 2017 calender on social media. The calendars were prepared by our associate Francesca Zirafi from Sicily, who volunteers as art director. Up to the end of December, 140 calendars have been printed. CCF Italia also sent an e-mail to its members
(with information on 2017 fees).

A Cheetah Run on 28 May, was held during the school trip to a famous park in the near town of Biella.
– On 20 March members of CCF Italy participated in the Sport and Wildlife day in their hometown of Albignasego (Padua) with a CCF Italy booth displaying CCF items and handing out information about CCF’s activities. CCF Italy Member Rossella Clai has been elected Town Counsellor of her hometown but is still active with CCF Italia.
– On 20 August, Rossella set up an information desk during the event “Young festival” in Albignasego, Rossella. Items from CCF Namibia and t-shirts where offered for sale.
– CCF Italia’s Vice President, Matilde Venturi, organised two photographic events called “The Travellers’ Thursday,” at the Public School in Desenzano (BS). The first event was held in May. Matilde talked about CCF for an audience of 100 people. The second event was held in September, and she showed her new videos of this year’s trip to Namibia to 100 participants and many new supporters, including veterinarians, who eventually joined CCF Italia as members.
– –
CCF Italy has initiated plans for three or four events to be held between May and August 2017.
Dr Laurie Marker’s Tour in Italy: 6-9 May 2016

– Ancona: Dr Marker held a lecture during the Annual Vet Association Assembly in the Mole Vanvitelliana, where we had also the opportunity to sell our items. CCF Italy had the assistance of Professor Giacomo Rossi, a pathologist and Professor at the University of Camerino who invited Dr Marker and conducted a study about cheetah gastritis due to helicobacter. The student Sara Mangiaterra of the same University went to CCF Namibia from December to February 2015 to collect data from CCF’s cheetahs to compare to the captive cheetahs held in the Zoo Parco of Falconara, near Ancona. CCF Italy had also a meeting with the students at breakfast time and a dinner offered by the association. During the Ancona meeting, Members of CCF Italy Betty von Hoenning, Matilde Venturi and Duncan Campbell were present, along with Domenico Marrali from Sicily. On 7 May, we were invited to the Zoo Park Falconara where Dr Marker was followed by many fans coming from many parts of Italy. Members of CCF Italy had a walk inside the Park, where Laurie answered questions and made a radio/TV interview with a local station. A dinner with 60 people followed, which gave Dr Marker the opportunity to meet many new friends, included a video of CCF. The Zoo donated a check of 1000€ to CCF Italia, which will be part of their lump donation of this August. They also sold new sweaters (of CCF’s orphans) and items from Namibia.

– Verona: A lecture inside the Parco Natura Viva in Bussolengo in the presence of Dr.Cesare Avesani Zaborra was held on 8 May 2016 during Mother’s Day, followed by a drive through the Park to watch the four cheetahs in their big, new enclosures, with children and parents and fans of the Veneto area. An interview of Dr Marker was conducted and was broadcasted on national TV (Canale 5) later in the same month, which gave a great visibility to CCF’s activities. A donation was made by the audience, Dr Marker signed photographs and many registered as members of the Italian association. Betty and Matilde, Dr Marker and her assistant Tess were joined by Rossella Clai and Marina Mastropietro for the day, which concluded with a pizza dinner at the hotel, together with CCF’s corporate sponsor GEPARD, which joined us to present their production to Dr. Marker.

– On 7 August, Betty von Hoenning held a fundraiser at the organisation’s address in Campiglia Cervo. CCF signs were on display whilesold CCF merchandise were offered for sale.
– December 21: A conference about “Namibia and its Jewels: Cheetahs”, was held at the Fondazione CRB, which is the foundation of CCF Italia’s bank, Cassa di Risparmio di Biella, as part of the bank’s corporate responsiblity programme.

– Padua: Dr Marker lectured at the University of Padova on 9 May with students and Professors who had previously visited Namibia and CCF for a study trip in 2015. The lecture was held in the Aula Magna of the Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food, Legnaro, hosted by Professor Marco Patruno and Professor Barbara Demori.

At the end of December, and resulting from the PNAS study on declining cheetah populations, which
received ample media coverage in Italy, Betty gave an interview to Italy’s national TV Canale 5 for the program “Noah’s Ark”. Canale 5 showed footage of CCF and Dr Marker. The interview is scheduled
to air on 15 January 2017, and it is expected to generate great interest, along with donations and calendar orders.