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Il CCF al cinema con la Eagle Pictures Italia!

Il 20 di novembre prossimo, saremo ospiti della Eagle Picture Italia a Milano, per un’anteprima del film AFRICAN SAFARI 3D che uscirà ufficialmente il 21 in tutte le sale italiane.

Prima della visione del film, sarà proiettato un breve video dei ghepardi del Cheetah Conservation Fund, e sarà possibile acquistare le magliette del Centro,che contribuiscono a mantenere operativa la Fondazione no-profit che dal 1990 opera in Namibia per la conservazione di questa specie a rischio (All.2 della CITES), oltre ad occuparsi del conflitto Uomo-Predatore per una pacifica convivenza. La convivenza è possibile!

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Ancora potete iscrivervi al film!

Ancora potete iscrivervi al film!

La storia del mese: Una donna coraggiosa

Donna_ghepardo 3


Donna_ghepardo 2

Donna Ghepardo


Un bell’articolo apparso su “I miei Amici Animali”


A Crushing Tale by dr. LAURIE MARKER

A Crushing Tale –

Huffington Post

Posted: 11/11/2013 8:49 pm
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CheetahsPoachingIllegal Wildlife TradeIvoryIvory-CrushPetsPoachingImpact News



On the morning of November 13th, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service will be destroying the United States’ stockpile of ivory, over 6 tons of tusks, in Denver, Colorado at the National Wildlife Property Repository. It is a compelling symbol of the U.S. Government’s growing commitment to ending illegal wildlife trade and I applaud it. With a single tusk fetching as much as $130,000 on the illegal market, the destruction of such a large and potentially valuable stockpile is a powerful statement to other nations.

The ivory, most of which has been seized at American seaports, border crossings, airports and other locations as part of the illegal trade, is being crushed in good measure because ivory doesn’t burn terribly well. But watching massive rock grinders plow into a pile of ivory worth millions of dollars is more than just an alternative solution or even an interesting visual. It’s a stark counterpoint to the massive destruction that’s being wreaked on wildlife populations by illegal wildlife trade across Africa.

It is true the elephant and the rhino, being killed in mass quantities by highly-networked criminal enterprises so their horns and tusks can feed a voracious illegal market in the Far East, are the most urgently affected victims of wildlife trafficking. But the fact is that there are dozens, even hundreds of species that are being crushed under the heel of the illegal wildlife trade.

The information gathered by Cheetah Conservation Fund indicates that there are now over a hundred cheetahs, mostly young cubs, taken every year from the wild as part of the illegal wildlife trade, mostly being taken live and shipped to countries in the Arabian Peninsula, where they are purchased as pets. These are only the ones we know about. Journalists covering this story in Yemen have reported as many as 12 cubs a week passing through the hands of a single trader. Our estimates are that 5 out of 6 cheetah cubs that are taken as part of the illegal pet trade die before reaching the point of sale. When there are less than 10,000 cheetahs total remaining in the wild, and many of the populations most affected numbering only in the scant hundreds at best, these kinds of losses are unsustainable.

And while certainly the individuals purchasing cheetahs are paying a lot of money for their pet, the tender age of the cubs and the conditions of transport wreak havoc on the cubs’ development and future lifespan. Cheetahs are highly specialized cats, and are subject to unique health challenges in captivity. Even if a cheetah cub survives being shipped in a small crate without food or water across the ocean and along truck routes for several days, the lack of proper nutrition and veterinary care means many cubs do not survive long. Animals that usually have a lifespan of up to a dozen years or more under optimal conditions usually do not survive much past a year or two, often with horrible deformities that drastically reduce their quality of life. The owners of these animals, upon their untimely deaths, will often immediately go back into the illegal marketplace and purchase another cheetah.

It is tempting to believe that the trade in dead animal parts is somehow different than the illegal trade in live animals, because the live animals are being sold as “pets,” and as westerners, we associate the term with a life of comparative pampering and luxury. The reality is much more sinister and bleak. The vast majority of cheetahs taken for the pet trade die before even being sold. Those that do go home with an owner are looking at a short, brutal life of malnutrition, deformity and death.

CCF has been very active in working with the US and other governments and NGOs to educate policymakers about the illegal pet trade, and will continue to do so. We urge you as informed members of the public to remember and remind your friends that while cheetahs are beautiful and seem easy to “tame,” this instinct to keep cheetahs as pets is actually killing them. Because nobody wants to see a species crushed into extinction.

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African Safari 3D – un film-documentario di Ben Stassen

African Safari 3D - un film-documentario di Ben Stassen

La Eagle Picture Italia ha realizzato questo stupendo film in 3D e sponsorizza, durante l’anteprima a Milano, il Cheetah Conservation Fund.
Le riprese di Ben Stassen sono state realizzate al CCF. Da vedere! La data dell’anteprima a breve.

HI-FI found dead – The End Of An Era



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Last week we recovered the remains of Hifi, one of our wild but resident cheetahs that we have monitored for over five years. We do not know why or how he died, but his remains were found in CCF’s Little Serengeti (the Big Field). Tiger, one of our scat detection dogs, discovered his remains in a location nearby the latest GPS coordinates downloaded from his tracking collar. The scat detection team, Eli and Stephanie, immediately alerted other CCF staff His last confirmed sighting was at the end of September when he was observed on a red hartebeest kill.
Everyone who has visited CCF over the past five years has heard the story of Hifi; the wild cheetah who chose a home range encompassing CCF‘s Centre and who was regularly seen with his brother, Sam (who died roughly 3 years ago), courting the captive non-releasable female cheetahs at our Centre.
Patricia Tricorache took this lucky shot of a majestic looking Hifi right outside one of our female cheetah enclosures
It is hard to put in words how sad we are to know that Hifi is no more, but as sad as this is it is the harsh reality of life in the wild. Every day is a fight for survival and Hifi, with an age of over eight years, did brilliantly. He always had a full belly and was never bothered by other cheetahs in the area.
CCF caught, examined, collared, and released Hifi and Sam for the first time in 2008 on Namibia’s Independence Day (March 21), and thus were named after the Founding President of Namibia, H.E. Sam Nujoma, and our current President, H.E. Hifikepunye Pohamba, who were and still are the ultimate guardians of wildlife in Namibia.
Camera trap photo of Hifi marking territory near one of our cheetah enclosures
Data from Hifi and Sam has contributed much to our knowledge of cheetah biology and ecology, as the opportunity to monitor and study an individual cheetah(s) for such an extended period of time is a very rare opportunity indeed. Through satellite collar downloads, camera trap photos, spoor tracking, and regular scat collection, CCF has gained valuable insight into the daily distance moved, home range, feeding behaviours, and habitat use of wild cheetahs. In addition, his visits to our Centre allowed us to monitor the oestrus cycles of our captive female cheetahs and study the unique behaviours that correlate with oestrus.
Map of the data downloaded from Hifi’s collar. The blue points are each individual download, the yellow lines are the borders of CCF’s farms.
Occasionally we had the opportunity to study Hifi more closely whilst doing a work up under anaesthesia to change his radio collar. This enabled us to collect blood samples for monitoring his overall health, to conduct DNA analysis, and to collect and freeze sperm samples from him for our Genome Resource Bank. Overall cheetah sperm is of poor quality due to the lack of genetic diversity throughout the species, and though his was not much different structurally during his last work up we were able to bank 39 straws of sperm, which is an amazing quantity (average is 5-10 straws).
Dr. Laurie Marker and Rob Thomson fitting Hifi with a GPS/VHF collar for monitoring his movements.
Over the last five years we have gathered a huge amount of data not only from the work ups and his satellite collar but also from his scat. We have collected over 800 scat samples in total whilst carrying out our daily ‘scat walk’ around the Centre. The scat allows us to conduct research on the diet and prey preferences of HiFi and to study his DNA extracted from the scat in our genetics lab. The scat will also be used in hormone studies to learn more about the relationship between hormones and stress in wild cheetahs. We are currently looking for funding to complete these studies.
Hifi sniffing at a play tree, taken by one of our camera traps.
Over the past five years Hifi has been captured and released seven times! Many CCF volunteers and interns have observed these procedures and cherish these memories. Hifi learned to live with us all; people, dogs, and small stock and was only interested in our/his female cheetahs living at our Centre.
Lucia, Matti, Jenny, Eli and Dr. Laurie Marker releasing Hifi July 2013.
In the past five years, Hifi has taught us so much. We lived together in harmony and got to know his movements and behaviour in a very unique way. He will be remembered by all of us at CCF. We hope that there are many little Hifi’s running around in the wild to ensure he lives on and continues to help in the cheetah’s race for survival.
Hifi investigating a camera trap – “What is this???”

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