Articoli recenti

Dalla Namibia alla Germania….!

Oggi in Germania ha luogo la 2. Conferenza Internazionale sulla Ricerca negli Zoo, Conservazione e biodiversità.

Ci sono diversi interessanti interventi sulla conservazione in situ ed ex situ, e alle 11.15 è intervenuta anche la Dr. Marker, parlando dell’approccio del CCF sulla lotta al commercio illegale di ghepardi.

In Namibia , nel nostro Quartier Generale, continuiamo a fare in modo che i volontari, lo staff e i tirocinanti partecipino a svariate riunioni interattive.

I nostri dipartimenti fanno presentazioni su vari progetti attuali e passati, i tirocinanti presentano i loro lavori e le esperienze vissute, e sono presenti anche visitatori occasionali e collaboratori, mentre ogni giorno ci sono presentazioni online dove si può partecipare a seconda dei propri campi di interesse.

L’educazione è un pilastro fondamentale del CCF, insieme alla Ricerca e alla Conservazione.

L’educazione non finisce mai.

Il CCF ha un approccio integrato che fa confluire tutti i dipartimenti verso una visione collettiva, essenziale per portare avanti la nostra missione.

Dalla Namibia, oggi

Dr Laurie Marker Durante la presentazione
La sala riunioni al Centro CCF in Namibia con i partecipanti online

Liberati 5 maschi nella Riserva di Erindi…

Cari Amici, ecco il video in cui la Dr Marker dopo aver terminato la collarizzazione del 5. maschio, annuncia la loro liberazione in natura.

È un evento straordinario perché raramente sono stati liberati molti ghepardi insieme…

Ecco nel video il momento della loro ritrovata libertà!

Questa è la missione del CCF!

Inverno Sudafricano: foto splendide di ghepardi!

(Photo courtesy K.Frost)

Mentre in Namibia, il 1. Settembre segna l’inizio della primavera!

(Photo courtesy Katja Salzbrunn Basler)

Ecco le nostre nuove mascherine CCF!

Anche voi siete stufi di portare mascherine pesanti, che appannano gli occhiali, che fanno sudare, e che danno fastidio…per non parlar del costo?

Ecco, grazie all’inventiva di due abili imprenditrici, abbiamo pronta una soluzione per voi!

Le mascherine in TNT, leggere, comode, anallergiche, idroreppelenti, atossiche che non si agganciano alle orecchie ma dietro alle orecchie, che non vengono buttate via intere ogni volta che non sono piu’ utilizzabili…e che hanno un prezzo moderato oltre alla qualità di un prodotto ben fatto.

Sono leggere, allegre e colorate, serie o misurate, e sono contenute in un kit che contiene:
– 3 mascherine colorate in TNT, adatte anche ad ambienti polverosi e con pollini
– 1 coppia di fermagli
– 1 metro di fettuccia elastica
– 15 filtri antibatterici e antipolline

Le mascherine possono esssere lavate 15/20 volte a 30°C o disinfettate con acqua e alcol 80°, mentre i filtri vanno inseriti in una tasca interna e cambiati dopo 3 volte, anch’essi lavabili.
Separatamente potete acquistare anche 3 mascherine di ricambio.

Il prezzo ? 15€ per il kit, e 6€ il ricambio.

E i bambini? Misure anche per loro, stesso prezzo ma …4 mascherine!

Ordinatele sul nostro sito oppure riempite il formulario dei nostri acquisti con indirizzo dove spedirle. Potete effettuare un bonifico sul nostro conto o pagare con Paypal o carta di credito.


Terminato il tour italiano di Laurie Marker

Dr.Laurie Marker on HuffPost…

The Super Bowl is one of the most eagerly anticipated television events in the United States. This year over 100 million people tuned in for the game and the fun commercials that entertain us during breaks in the football action. For many viewers, the ads are the main event, and the commentary and attention paid to these ads easily rivals that of the game itself.

According to Forbes Magazine, animal ads rank the highest in Super Bowl viewership. When a 30 second commercial costs as much as $3 million dollars, it’s important to tell a story that promotes the product and makes the viewer want to share the ad with his or her friends. People connect with animals and appreciate their attributes, whether it’s clever dogs or loyal Clydesdales.

Cheetahs sell products. They are the fastest land mammal on earth, and a captivating image that grabs the attention of the viewer. This year Sketchers had a funny ad about a man wearing Sketchers who saves the day for a gazelle by wrestling a cheetah to the ground. The man and the gazelle share a fist pump victory celebration.

Last year Hyundai featured an ad with a cheetah that refused to race against their latest model car, implying that the car must be very fast. I still remember the Mountain Dew “Bad Cheetah” ad, with the mountain biker retrieving a can of Mountain Dew from a (perhaps under-caffeinated?) cheetah.

Each of these ads has helped the cheetah, by reinforcing the fact that the cheetah is an icon of speed and grace. The cheetah is instantly recognized for being not just fast, but the fastest. And speed counts, in many products. That’s great, and I think we can say “Mission accomplished.”

But what if there wasn’t a cheetah? Imagine an ad featuring a race between the pronghorn antelope and a fast car? Or a wildebeest stealing a can of Mountain Dew? What about the brown hare? The imagery is less compelling.

My favorite commercial this year was the DoritosGoat for Sale” ad. I live in Namibia, Africa and we have a model farm here at Cheetah Conservation Fund headquarters, where we raise goats and sheep and hold farmer training programs to teach best practices in preventing livestock loss from cheetahs, leopards, and other predators. I have always loved goats — I used to be a 4 H goat judge, and I’m happy to see goats are finally getting the recognition they deserve, as a wider range of people, particularly in the United States, appreciate goat cheese, goat soaps, and other products from this industrious livestock animal.

But we often fail to see predators in such practical terms. Predators are essential to a balanced, healthy ecosystem. Without the cheetah, prey species multiply unchecked, lands become overgrazed, and desertification sets in, affecting its usability for both wildlife and human populations.

The Super Bowl is all about champions — this year it was the Baltimore Ravens. The cheetah could use more corporate champions that are as excited about saving cheetahs in the wild as they are about putting them in their product advertisements. Everyone knows the cheetah is the fastest land animal, but far fewer people realize that the cheetah could disappear from earth within the next twenty years.

It’s our hope at Cheetah Conservation Fund that companies that want to use the cheetah as an advertising symbol will see the value in helping to save this magnificent animal. Nothing else can convey the concept of speed in a split second. If customers like the association with cheetahs, they might be very pleased to know that their purchase will help save cheetahs in the wild.

The Skechers ad was very entertaining, but in a world where only 10,000 cheetahs remain in the wild, we have to point out that perhaps it’s not the gazelle who needs rescuing, but the cheetah.

Follow Dr. Laurie Marker on



Guardate il video di Dan Barber con sottotitoli in italiano: vale la pena!

Sulla destra del Blog, alla voce Conservazione troverete il video della conferenza di Dan Barber: Come mi sono innamorato di un pesce.


Prendetevi il tempo di ascoltare…è molto chiaro e semplice, e ci indica la via….!


At the right on my Blog, under Conservation, you’ll find the video of Dan Barber: How I fell in love with a fish.


If you want to know more about our agriculture, sustainability and healthy food, check it out and….enjoy!


You won’t regret it.


Huff Post: Dr.Laurie Marker’s article

Dr. Laurie Marker

Founder and executive director, Cheetah Conservation Fund




Embracing the Cheetah, Embracing the World

Posted: 11/15/2012 10:01 pm

Read more

Wildlife Conservation Ccf Cheetah Conservation Cheetah Conservation Fund ,Cheetah Population Cheetah-Extinction Cheetahs Impact News


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Twice a year, I leave Cheetah Conservation Fund operations in Namibia and do a lecture and fundraising tour, usually visiting several cities in North America, and stopping in Europe on my way home. These tours are energizing for me, because I have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life, all of whom love the cheetah and are committed to helping CCF save it from extinction. All of these “cheetah friends,” old and new, have embraced our mission, and I am grateful to have their support.

Appreciation of the cheetah seems to be a universal impulse. People of every nation I have ever visited are fascinated with the cheetah. The cheetah’s speed, grace, and the look of fierce nobility in its seemingly endless amber eyes, have captivated humans for thousands of years. Unfortunately, it is because of humans that wild cheetah population has been decimated by 90 percent over the past century. Human-wildlife conflict, habitat destruction, illegal wildlife trafficking and the pet trade have put the cheetah’s very survival as a species in jeopardy.

I was heartened, however, by my visit to the European Parliament in Strasbourg from October 24 to October 26, because it renewed my faith that the world is indeed motivated to save the cheetah. Members of the European Parliament’s Intergroup for Animal Welfare and Conservation (IAWC) — Catherine Bearder and Andrea Zanoni — joined us for a dinner among CCF supporters. The following day I delivered apresentation to the members of the IAWC at the European Parliament, discussing many of our efforts to combat human-wildlife conflict issues, including our Livestock Guarding Dog Program, our Future Farmers of Africa Program, and our Bushblok initiative. I was gratified to find my presentation well received, with a very active question and answer session afterwards. I am very grateful to Cristiana Muscardini, the MEP from Italy who assisted in obtaining the invitation to speak, Andreas Erler, Secretariat of the Intergroup, who extended the invitation, and volunteer Elisabetta von Hoening, who worked tirelessly in planning the visit.

CCF’s approach to conservation, which focuses on creating opportunities for humans and predators to thrive side by side, has a lot to teach the world. By collaborating with local communities and finding practical, economically advantageous solutions, local Namibian farmers now see the cheetah as a valuable asset, and implement predator-friendly farming techniques as a means of increasing their productivity and profit. In Namibia we are starting to turn the tide — the overall population of cheetahs is now increasing in the areas in which we operate.

The work now needs to be replicated in other cheetah range countries, so that we can assure that the cheetah population around the world is stabilized, and so that future generations may continue to be fascinated by this magnificent animal. Many of the MEPs who participated in the session were interested in how the model of conservation we’re using at CCF can be deployed in European countries to address their problems with human-wildlife conflict — issues involving wolves and bears native to European countries, but badly decimated in number by many of the same factors that have worked against the cheetah population over the years.

We at CCF are looking forward to working with members of the EU Parliament, including Dan Jørgensen, vice chair of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. We hope to see our European friends again soon, hopefully in Namibia, where we can show them first-hand the work we’re doing, and the results that we’re achieving. Because it is still my very fervent belief that while we need the help of the whole world to save the cheetah, in doing so, the cheetah has the opportunity to help the whole world in return.

Follow Dr. Laurie Marker on Twitter:
